Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Difference One Day Makes

Gracious. I am glad I wrote down what I was thankful for because yesterday could have been a total downer for me. I found out that a friend of mine, well, her marriage is shaky at best. Seems that her husband has not been faithful and she just found out over the weekend. Breaks my heart. I am thankful that I can pray for them and that regardless of our human emotions, God IS in control and can turn this around.

I have another friend who is going through in-vitro. I cannot grasp the emotional roller coaster that in itself is. To want a baby so much and not be able to get pregnant has got to be one of the worst feelings emotionally that there is. I know before I had my last baby that I wanted to be pregnant and it took eight months of trying to conceive, which for me was odd. I usually was pregnant right after my youngest one's first birthday. The longest I had to wait was 4 months. Praying for God's will with this family for sure.

Courtney went to work fine but called me about an hour and a half later as she was pretty sick. She thinks she ate something that didn't agree with her. I hope that was all it was. I sure don't want a bug going through our home. I am thankful she kept her cookies down on the car ride home. :)

Three of the kids got to play with friends for a while yesterday. Wesley got to play with Andrew, Marcee played with Hailey, and Bethany went to Micah's. I am thankful for my kids' friends. I grew up in the country (no comment Wedaa!!!) and my playmates were either my awesome neighbors (Tammy, Christy, Kim, and Debra) or my brothers friends. Since I was the little brat sister, I didn't get included very often with "the boys". I am thankful for having friends to play with when I was growing up, and most especially, Tammy. I've known her since we were 4 years old and today, she is still one who I can call at any moment and we reconnect immediately. :)

I do have some amazing news. The young man we've been praying for that was ran over by a car and was in ICU is actually in a regular room now, is off the ventilator, and is communicating. Only by God's grace is he still alive. Praising Jesus!!

Thanks for reading my novel. lol I have a lot to be thankful for. Speaking of being thankful, I need to get that turkey in the roaster. I'm ready to cook!!!!

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